Rise of the Guardians

at Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Okay. We watched Rise of the Guardians yesterday and...

At the first few parts of the movie, I just had 'FEELS' everywhere. I was so concentrated at the movie that I am actually ignoring my boyfriend whenever he tells something to me. There was humor and epicness but I just wished they also showed the history of the other Guardians before they were called or made Guardians.

Hunt, hunt!

at Wednesday, November 28, 2012
So, we went out to watch ROTG and hunted for make-up products. I want to review the products that I just bought.

When I arrived home, I was so excited to see the products. So, I opened them and tested them out. These are my first eyeshadow make-up and also maybe my second lip balm. I really kind of spent a lot and after buying all of these I felt my heart breaking somehow. I just don't know how to spent my money in a frugal way. :(

Oh, Jack Frost

at Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tomorrow, The Rise of the Guardians (ROTG) will be released in the theatres here in our country. I am SO EXCITED!

Lemon + Olive Oil for All Skin Types?

at Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I  read in one website that lemon + olive oil was fine with both dry and oily skin.
Okay, so before reviewing this facemask, what does LEMON and OLIVE OIL do to our skin?


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